One of Mingo's sisters, Norma, had the same condition and had a kidney transplant almost 10 years ago. Over the past few months her "new" kidney was progressively getting worse. She went to Sao Paulo, Brazil last month where she could stay with her sister and receive better medical care. We were told that she was first on a waiting list to receive another kidney. We helped her mother buy a bus ticket so that she could make the 20 hour trip to be with Norma.
Sadly, yesterday we found out that Norma had passed away. She was 30-years-old and leaves behind a 4-year-old daughter, Leidy. Please pray for this family! It has only been 5 months since Mingo passed away.
Right now the mother is still in Sao Paulo with one of the sisters trying to figure out how to bring Norma's body back to Paraguay for burial. They were told that it will cost around $1,700 to do so. This is a very poor family and they obviously do not have that kind of money. They will be visiting the Paraguayan embassy in Brazil today to see if the government will be able to help in any way. Please pray that a solution will be found.
Also, please pray for consolation for the family members. Pray that their faith will continue to be a source of strength during this difficult time, especially when they cannot be together. Pray for a safe return for Norma's mother and her daughter, Leidy. Leidy's home was already with her grandparents, but please pray for her little heart as she learns to live life without her mother.
We know that your prayers were a source of strength and comfort for the family while Mingo was sick. We will be visiting with them today, and will again share with them that they are being lifted up by their brothers and sisters in Christ across the miles.
If you feel led to send a note of encouragement to the family, send it to us by email. We will translate it and give it to them.
Thank you for your love and support.
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