Dear friends and family,
This past Sunday we had the opportunity to speak live via web cam during the 10th anniversary services in our home church, New Town UMC. It was such a blessing to share that special day with so many who love and support us in many ways.
During that time we were able to share the way God has used and is using New Town church to impact our lives. Truly, though, God has used all of you, our friends and family, to touch our lives in different ways. We did not have a chance, however, to share about our ministry and financial needs.
Since our arrival in Paraguay in July of 2008, God has continued to confirm that this is indeed the place where He has called us. The fruit is in the ministry. Carol has started her second year at the New Horizon School and is gaining more respect and trust from both the teachers and parents. Her goal this year is to get the social work department set up within the school and to define the role of the social worker. She is also visiting more homes with the school chaplain to pray with parents and will be offering weekly parenting workshops.
Donald continues to visit with the silversmiths on a daily basis and many of them now turn to him for spiritual support. He will soon be starting a Bible study in our home for them. He is now helping out in one of the shops and will be learning how to make filigree from the silversmith there. Donald is also looking to buy some tools in order to start his own workshop in our home.
As most of you know, ALL of our financial support comes from the monthly pledges and one-time gifts of individuals and a few churches. When we came to Paraguay a little over a year and a half ago, we had enough money pledged to us in order to sustain us for 4 years (3 years in Paraguay and 1 year of furlough in the States). When the economy took a turn for the worse, we suddenly lost several supporters without explanation. Over the last 6 months we have consistently been receiving less than our actual monthly expenses. Our budget has not changed and we are actually spending less many months. What has changed is the amount of money coming in.
Now, we have reached a critical point! If we continue to receive less than we are spending, our mission agency, The Mission Society, will not allow us to stay on the field.