July 6, 2010

April to June 2010 Update

Two Years in Paraguay!
July 1st marked the 2 year anniversary of our arrival in Paraguay. We have not been back to our home in the States during this time. We truly miss all of our family and friends, but have also been blessed by the home and “family” that God has provided for us here. Every day we see His confirmation that we are where He wants us to be.

Donald has built true friendships with several of the silversmiths he works with. This has allowed him to be a positive influence in their lives and to share the truth in love during challenging circumstances. One example of this was when prostitutes were hanging around the shop and offering their services to the men. Without saying a word, they could sense Donald’s disapproval, and in the end he had the guys praying for the young women!

Carol continues to work at the Nuevo Horizonte School in the mornings while Cora is in class and all day on Wednesdays. She has done some individual counseling with parents and students and holds a weekly Bible study for the 9th grade girls. However, she spends most of her time doing home visits with the school’s chaplain. Even though Nuevo Horizonte is a Christian school and the children are constantly surrounded by the love of Christ, the majority of parents are not believers. It has been amazing to see the way God has opened doors to witness to and pray with these parents during the home visits.

Every day we are witnessing the miracles of God. One of our missionary friends recently wrote that the miracle of a transformed life is just as amazing and glorious as the blind receiving sight and the lame walking. What a miracle it is to see men praying for the women they once saw as purely sexual objects. What a miracle it is for an unbelieving grandmother struggling to raise 4 grandchildren to witness the power of prayer as her daughter contacts her for the 1st time in 3 months and sends her the money she needs.
Please continue to pray for us and that the people of Paraguay will be open to the miraculous power of God’s love. Our prayer for the people these days is based in Acts 16:26:
“Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose.”

Lord, let it be so!

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