Naming children is both a great privilege and responsibility that is given to parents. After all, your name is a great part of what identifies you and is something that you keep for a lifetime. When we chose Cora's name, we wanted to honor our grandmothers with a namesake as well as give Cora a sense of permanence within our family. Her third name was added because it is Spanish and Donald had always liked it. Thus she became Cora Irene Pilar Paige.
With our new baby, we had decided to continue with the use of family names. Then, I had a brilliant idea. Of course it was brilliant, because it was really God's idea. "Why don't we ask God what He wants to name the child?"
At that suggestion we both closed our eyes and prayed, asking God for a name. After a few minutes, Donald asked me if I had been given a name. I told him that I had heard the name "Daniel." Surprised at my answer, he told me that he had received the same name. We both knew that it came from God because neither one of us had considered that name previously. In fact, Donald confessed to me later that he had not particularly liked the name and had asked God for a confirmation to make sure he had heard right. He wasn't expecting the confirmation to come so soon. He has since repented of his initial reaction and actually likes it now.
Daniel is Hebrew and means "God is my judge." When we were given the name, we knew that our child was a boy. Two weeks later an ultrasound confirmed that fact. It is also interesting that when I found out that I was pregnant, both Donald and I were doing a Daniel fast.
So, around May 20th we will be welcoming into the world our new son, Daniel Neil Edward Paige. The other 2 names are for our maternal grandfathers.
Please join us in thanking and praising God in the miracle of our son.